
Our chartered Democratic clubs are the lifeblood of the Santa Barbara County Democratic Party, uniting Democrats across communities to organize, advocate, and build grassroots power. Open to all registered Democrats, clubs host candidate forums, voter registration drives, social events, and more to help elect Democrats at every level.

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Democratic Club of Santa Maria Valley

The Democratic Club serves Democrats of the Santa Maria Valley including Santa Maria, Orcutt and surrounding areas. The Democratic Club of Santa Maria Valley (DCSMV) is chartered by the Santa Barbara County Democratic Party (SBCDP). The Democratic Club of Santa Maria Valley is an official association of local Democrats who discuss, debate and work to promote Democratic ideals, candidates, legislation and issues for the common good.

Democratic Service Club of Santa Barbara County

Our goal is to promote the Democratic Party and its ideas, ideals, and candidates in Santa Barbara County. We pursue this goal through registering voters, engaging with voters, and providing office administrative support for Democratic Headquarters. The Club is committed to expanding opportunities for democratic political action and providing a grass-roots channel for the participation of like-minded people.

Democratic Women of Santa Barbara County

The mission of the Democratic Women of Santa Barbara County is to promote Democratic principles, issues, and candidates by educating the public, increasing voter participation, and ensuring election integrity, while collaborating with other Democratic organizations at the local, state, and national level.

Lompoc Valley Democratic Club

Lompoc Valley Democratic Club is open to any registered Democrat or person who supports the platform and principles of the Democratic Party and shall be eligible to be a member of the club. LVDC general membership meetings are held on the Third Monday of every month. In addition, there are events throughout the year, including social gatherings, election support activities, and educational programs focusing on Democratic Party Platform positions. The LVDC Executive Board meets monthly and all members are invited to plan activities and discuss policies.

Santa Barbara Young Democrats

Our goal is to promote the Democratic Party and its ideas, ideals, and candidates in Santa Barbara County. We pursue this goal through active outreach toward registered and potential Democrats, initiatives to increase Democratic voter participation, support of young candidates for office, and development of a permanent and active network of well-trained Democratic volunteers. The Club is committed to expanding opportunities for democratic political action and providing a grass-roots channel for the participation of like-minded young people.

Santa Ynez Valley Democratic Organization

SYV-DO was formed in 2008 in response to a groundswell of support for the Democratic candidates. The organization serves the communities of Ballard, Buellton, Los Alamos, Los Olivos, Santa Ynez and Solvang. While the primary purpose of SYV-DO is to facilitate the election of Democrats, it also serves to provide a venue for local Democrats to meet and discuss issues in a congenial manner.

UCSB Campus Democrats

We are the official UCSB organization representing the California Democratic Party. Our goal is to fight for and defend Democratic candidates and values through out UCSB, Santa Barbara, and California. Campus Dems registers voters, volunteers for local campaigns, educates students on and acts as a forum for relevant political issues, and provides professional development through valuable campaign and political experience to our membership. We’re also a super fun, active and social group. We host speakers such as Congressman Salud Carbajal, Assemblymember Monique Limon, and County Supervisor Joan Hartmann, candidates running for local office, various UCSB professors, and other community activists.