Run for Office
The next election for which the Santa Barbara County Democratic Party will consider endorsements will take place on August 29, 2025 in the Special Election for Buellton City Council, District 4. If you are a previously endorsed incumbent or considering running for office, reach out to endorsements@sbdems.org.
Upcoming Elections
We endorse candidates for local office.
The SB County Democratic Party endorses candidates for local office from school board to the County Board of Supervisors. To ensure fairness and compliance with our bylaws, we have adopted the following process:
Initiation, Eligibility, & Notification
Process begins upon written request from the committee
Candidates must be registered Democrats
Candidates must make it known to the DCC that they are running by filing OR emailing us
Candidates must complete and submit a questionnaire
The DCC will evaluate your responses
Candidates will then interview with the DCC and answer questions from members
Questionnaire, Review, & Interviews
The full committee will hold a meeting to consider and vote on all eligible candidates
Before filing deadline, endorsements require a 60% threshold; after filing, only a simple majority is required
Candidates will be notified on the results of the vote
Meeting & Voting
Be the change.
Are you interested in running for local office in Santa Barbara County, but don’t know where to start? Fill out some info below to receive our guide on running for local office and to connect with us about your goals!
Candidates can begin the endorsements process by notifying our Endorsements and Resolutions Committee that they are running/considering running for office. You can fill out the form above or email endorsements@sbdems.org.
All candidates who are registered to vote with a party preference of Democratic are eligible to receive an endorsement. Candidates registered with a party preference other than Democratic or with no party are not eligible.
Step 1: Candidate reaches out by emailing endorsements@sbdems.org
Step 2: Candidate is sent a detailed questionnaire to complete based on the Party Platform, reasons for running for office, and candidate’s campaign.
Step 3: Candidate is interviewed by the Democratic Central Committee (DCC), which has regularly scheduled meetings on the first Thursday of every month.
Several key benefits candidates receive from receiving the Democratic Party endorsement include:
The Party’s endorsement communicates to voters that endorsed candidates hold and represent Democratic values
Party staff and leadership provide invaluable advice and expertise on how to run a successful campaign
Candidates are included in Democratic Party literature, mailing, and advertising
Candidates gain efficiency and effectiveness by sharing activities and volunteer resources with other endorsed candidates, including neighborhood canvassing, literature distribution, and voter registration
The SB County Democratic Central Committee makes decisions on which candidates and measures to endorse. The Central Committee is composed of elected, ex-officio, and club representatives. Learn more about the committee here.
Endorsement interviews are open to all members of the public who are registered Democrats.
Learn more at sbdems.org/meeting